[%- BLOCK cl %] class="[% SWITCH bgfor -%] [%- CASE 'OK' %]pass[% CASE 'ContribCheck' %]warn[% CASE [ 'Check' 'InstallCheck' ] %]warnx[% CASE %]fail[% END %]" [%- END -%] PostgreSQL BuildFarm History

PostgreSQL BuildFarm Status History

System Detail
Farm member[% member %]
OS[% statrows.0.operating_system %] [% statrows.0.os_version %]
Compiler[% statrows.0.compiler %] [% statrows.0.compiler_version %]
Architecture[% statrows.0.architecture %]
Owner[% statrows.0.owner_email %]

Branch: [% branch %][% IF statrows.size >= hm %] (last [% hm %] entries shown)[% END %]

[% BLOCK stdet %] [%- row.when_ago | replace('\s',' ') %] ago  [% row.stage -%] [%- IF row.stage != 'OK' %]Details[% ELSE %]Config[% END -%] [% END %] [% FOREACH offset IN [0,1,2] %][% low = offset * statrows.size / 3 ; high = -1 + (offset + 1) * statrows.size / 3 %] [% TRY %][% PERL %] use POSIX qw(floor); $stash->set(low => floor($stash->get('low'))); $stash->set(high => floor($stash->get('high'))); [% END %][% CATCH %] [% END %] [% END %]
[% FOREACH xrow IN statrows.slice(low,high) %][% PROCESS stdet row=xrow %][% END %]

Hosting for the PostgreSQL Buildfarm is generously provided by: CommandPrompt, The PostgreSQL Company